Archive for category Projects

Decoration aid

When it comes to designing websites choosing what colors to use is one of the first steps. Nowadays online applications often let users personalize the look and feel of the site by offering a way to customize the colors the website wears. JavaScript and HTML can be used effectively to this end. A problem is arising for component developers using JavaScript: what framework to use? There is MooTools, ProtoType, YUI library, jQuery, etc, etc… This is the reason I developed a standalone color picker. It also works with every JavaScript framework, as it does not depend on one or interferes with one. It is one single .js file, no extra images, css, javascript or whatsoever.

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Ratings, Ranks and Scores

Rater 2.0Recovered from the ancient spelunks of about two years ago, the somewhat popular Rater is back. When this rating widget was first released, it soon got attention from all over the world. Now, after the eDesign server crash, this JavaScript rating control is reinstated.

Rater 2.0 can be used to have your website visitors assign scores to subjects in nice intuitive way. You then will be able to rank subjects by popularity, quality or anything you make the rater about. You probably have seen more of these rating widgets. When watching a video on Youtube for instance you can assign “stars” to it to rate the video. You can check out the example page of Rater 2.0 to see the diversity in its appearance and functional possibilities. Custom configurations can be made using the Rater 2.0 API page.

Currently Rater 2.0 is a Prototype based control, optionally with Scriptaculous. As the web is evolving, so should eDesign. Therefor MooTools and jQuery versions of Rater are expected by the end of May 2009.

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